BSF detain 23 alleged Bangladeshi smugglers, seize 6,250 kg of sugar

February 7,2024 12:08 PM

This handout from the Border Security Force's PRO shows personnel of the BSF and persons said to be Bangladeshi nationals who were detained after being found attempting to smuggle sugar along the India-Bangladesh border in Tripura state.

Troops of the Border Security Force in the area of the Samarganj border outpost in south Tripura district have apprehended 23 Bangladeshi smugglers with a consignment of sugar.

Troops of the Border Security Force in the area of the Samarganj border outpost in south Tripura district have apprehended 23 Bangladeshi smugglers with a consignment of sugar from their counterparts in the Indian side.     

Updates said 125 bags of sugar weighing 6,250 kg and 17 mobile phones were seized from the possession of the apprehended Bangladeshi nationals, updates from the Tripura BSF stated.

Out of the 23 alleged smugglers, 22 are said to be from the bordering area of Feni district and one from Chattogram district in Bangladesh.

The Border Guards of Bangladesh was contacted for a flag meeting but till afternoon it couldn’t be held. The apprehended individuals have been handed over to the Manu Police Station after medical examination.

Authorities believe that there is a spurt in trans-border smuggling of sugar through the Indio-Bangladesh border in Tripura in the recent years. In 2023, The BSF seized a total of 5,49,950 kg of sugar. The border security also detained 16 alleged trans-border smugglers besides seizing 27 vehicles.

In 2024, the authorities seized approximately 2,11,124 kg of sugar, detained 34 alleged trans-border smugglers and seized 14 vehicles, updates from the Tripura frontier BSF stated.