Gurgaon Uber driver masturbates in front of four Naga women

March 10,2024 06:31 PM


An Uber driver in Haryana's Gurgaon on Thursday night was recorded masturbating in front of four women from Nagaland.

Chumoukedima, Nagaland, March 10 (HBTV): In a distressing incident on Thursday night in Gurgaon in Haryana, four Naga women who were returning home from work and a birthday celebration in Gurgaon sector 26-29, found themselves in a harrowing situation during an Uber ride.              

In a video recorded by one of the victims, their Uber driver, unidentified at air time, is seen engaged in inappropriate sexual behavior, causing discomfort and distress to the female passengers.                                   

As per the account provided by one of the women seated in the front, the Uber driver masturbated in front of them during the journey.             

Shocked and appalled by the conduct, she recorded a video of the incident. One of the victims also said the Uber driver touched her thigh. HornbillTV contacted one of the victims and learned that the Uber driver left them stranded on the roadside after the incident.              

The driver then fled the scene leaving the women to find their way home on foot. In the aftermath of the traumatic incident, one of the victims took to social media to expose the misconduct, sharing the video footage on Instagram.                 

Curiously, instead of receiving empathy, she subjected to a barrage of negative comments, exacerbating her distress.              

Speaking to HornbillTV, the victim expressed her anguish over the incident and the subsequent online backlash.                  

Earlier after the video broke out viral, Uber India commented on the video assuring to take action and redress the matter. She disclosed that although Uber India had reached out to address the matter, her current state of distress has hindered effective communication with the authorities.