NSCN-IM says will uphold Framework Agreement but censures ‘deceit,’ ‘double-dealing’


The NSCN-IM has reaffirmed that it stands by the Framework Agreement but denounced what it stated was the threat to the agreement through ‘deceit and double-dealing of the government of India.

Chumoukedima, Nagaland, June 21 (HBTV): The Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagalim (NSCN, Isak-Muivah) has reaffirmed that it stands by the Framework Agreement. However, the group has denounced what it stated was the threat to the agreement through ‘deceit and double-dealing of the government of India on the Naga issue.’       

The NSCN-IM issued a press release to the media, received here on Friday, stating that the Framework Agreement was built on the universal democratic principles of mutual respect and recognition of rights, and the harmonious interdependent relationship of peoples and nations.

‘We believe no powers or no forces however big and strong they may be, could be able to tear it down. We can say that this Framework Agreement will certainly bring the cherished peace and prosperity in the war-torn Naga country and the Indian sub-continent as well,’ the NSCN-IM stated.    

‘The stand of NSCN is loud and clear, “We will uphold the Framework Agreement at all time.” NSCN felt free and exhilarated when the representatives of the government of India repeatedly assured us saying that they will also abide by the Framework Agreement,’ the press release stated. 

However, the NSCN-IM called ‘irony’ that it was being threatened through ‘deceit and double-dealing of the government of India on the Naga issue.’ The Naga people have started questioning the sincerity of the government of India, which has made many agreements with all Naga factions, the organization asserted.     

‘This kind of divides and rules policy stands on the way to an honorable solution,’ the press release stated.   

Further, the statement said that the Government of India should ‘not nourish the false hope of winning over the hearts of the Nagas with colonial mantra or hooking the Nagas with development bait.’ 

“The colonial policy of the government of India will never bring the Nagas closer to India rather it will drive the Nagas further away to the other block. The truth of the situation is that the Nagas are not alone. The international community has acknowledged that the Naga issue is a genuine case of national resistance movement,” the NSCN-IM stated.  

The NSCN-IM also claimed that ‘Parliamentarians from many countries, international human right organizations and the churches are with the Nagas.’  It also asserted that “except for a few collaborators of the enemies,” all sections of Naga people “remain united on the Naga political issue that remains politically sacrosanct.” 

They are fully convinced that their future is in salvaging their national principle, the NSCN-IM stated.        

“The inherent sovereign right of peoples and nations are indestructible and it never dies. The Roman Empire, the British Empire and other colonial powers tried to murder the national sovereign rights of peoples and nations, but it ends up with damning failure.”   

The NSCN-IM declared that above all, the ‘presence of God, the Creator of heaven and earth has been with the Nagas since the beginning of the movement.’     

“Small and weak we may be, but no human force can defeat us because God is at the centre of the movement. We started the movement with Him and it will be concluded with Him at His own timing,” the press release stated.