Saahil Bhargava’s Kohima Receives LA Short International Film Festival 2021 Nomination

June 30,2021 01:57 PM

Los Angeles [US], June 30 (HornbillTV): Los Angeles-based musician Saahil Bhargava's track titled, “Kohima” receives LA Short International Film Festival 2021 Nomination.

Los Angeles [US], June 30 (HornbillTV): Los Angeles-based musician Saahil Bhargava had released a track titled, “Kohima” on April 16. The setting of the song is based against the backdrop of the Battle of Kohima during World War II. The song Kohima highlights all the hardships that a soldier has to endure in their life, from protecting their motherland to sacrificing their lives.

Saahil Bhargava’s ‘Kohima’ has now received a nomination at the LA Short International Film Festival 2021 which opens on July 1, 2021 and will be held virtually.

As per Saahil, the song explores the desire of a soldier to get back home. To match the tone of the song, the singer added graphics of the battlefield and guns in the official music video. From screams to showcasing a field full of bodies, the Kohima video covers it all.

As Bhargava researched, he found out that the battle is known to have changed the course of World War II in Asia, wherein 1500 British-Indian soldiers prevented the Japanese invasion of India and gallantly fought about 15000 Japanese soldiers who retreated after months of fighting, disease and starvation. But Kohima never caught the world’s imagination the way other battles such as Waterloo did; despite a lot of bloodshed and close-quarter combat. It was a forgotten battle and that concerned Bhargava. “A pivotal conflict, both in Indian history as well as in World War II, but it doesn’t get talked about like Stalingrad (where Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad and lost). I was aware of the battle in Kohima as I did study World War II but not in such great detail. The more I read, I felt inspired to create music around it,” says Bhargava.