Nagaland Government Evicted two Widows for Ravi's Bungalow: Reports

June 27,2021 08:45 PM

RN Ravi

Nagaland [Dimapur], June 27 (HornbillTv): Nagaland government reportedly asked two employees, both widows, in Delhi to vacate their official quarters for Governor R N Ravi to retain his bungalow.

Nagaland [Dimapur], June 27 (HornbillTv): The Nagaland government reportedly asked two of its female employees posted in Delhi, both widows, to vacate their official quarters so that the state’s governor R N Ravi can retain his bungalow in Delhi allotted to him as the chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee.

According to a report by the New Indian Express, the two widows were allegedly evicted as the Nagaland government had to surrender two flats from its quota of property in Delhi in lieu of Ravi being allowed to retain the bungalow.  The New Indian Express reported that when contacted, the governor’s commissioner and secretary T Mhabemo Yanthan did not deny the incident and said if there was any resentment over the action, it was up to the state government to deal with it. 

The report stated that every state government is allotted property under the General Pool Residential Accommodation to house its employees posted in Delhi. Under the GPRA rules, Nagaland is said to be entitled to six quarters, which have been allotted to the chief minister and additional chief secretary among others. The governor is not in the list of beneficiaries as he has a separate suite reserved at the Nagaland House for his stay in the capital, the report stated. But as Ravi and the Nagaland government pressed for retaining the bungalow, the New Indian Express stated, the matter was referred to the Cabinet Committee on Accommodation headed by the Prime Minister.

  In December, 2018 the CCA reportedly allowed Ravi to retain the flat but on two conditions. First, the allotment had to be made from the state’s quota and second, the Nagaland government would have to surrender two flats in lieu of Ravi’s bungalow. The state government subsequently pressed the widows to vacate their official quarters, the New Indian Express reported.According to a complaint filed by one of them, they were served several showcause notices and even allegedly threatened by officials close to the governor, the reporters stated. The complaint said they were told that if they don’t surrender their Type-2 flats as an “adjustment” for Ravi’s bungalow, they would either be suspended or transferred home, the report stated.