Kohima District Congress Covid Sevak Assists Over 100 citizens for Vaccination

June 25,2021 10:02 PM

Kohima [Nagaland, India], June 25 (HornbillTv): Over 100 citizens have been assisted for the Covid vaccination since the Kohima District Congress Covid Sevak was formed on June 17

Kohima [Nagaland, India], June 25 (HornbillTv): 

Over 100 citizens have been assisted with the Covid vaccine till date since the Kohima District Congress Covid Sevak (KDCCS) was formed, on June 17.

Officials from the KDCCS informed Hornbill TV on Friday that the registration camp is going on efficiently and they have assisted over 100 beneficiaries to get them booked their slots and also receive the jab.

It was leant that on getting registered at Congress Bhavan, beneficiaries are given their slots immediately while many of them have been vaccinated at Urban Primary Health Centre (UPHC), Seikhazou the following day in Kohima.

It was also informed that few of the beneficiaries received the jab at the UPHC, Poterlane in the state capital.

KDCCS Co-convenor Shakti Paswan informed that out of 101 persons who were registered at the Congress Bhavan, 99 beneficiaries have already received the vaccine.

He went to inform that out of the 12 registered persons, 10 received the vaccine at UPHC Seikhazou. Paswan added that the remaining two came late so they couldn't not able to receive the jab on the day. However, the officials had booked their slots and accordingly they would be vaccinated soon. He informed us that the registration would continue.

KDCCS has acknowledged the medical personnel who have been diligently administering beneficiaries at those government healthcare facilities.

The Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) general secretary, S Supongmeren Jamir, especially appreciative of UPHC Seikhazou where sufficient facilities were put to place while medical personnel have been efficiently catering to the needs of beneficiaries whoever turn up to receive the vaccine.

Considering many people who are still without smartphones and those who cannot operate mobile phones to access information on the internet to book their slots to receive Covid vaccines, Kohima District Congress Covid Sevak was formed with Yangertemjen as the convenor on June 17 under the banner of NPCC to assist the helpless ones.

The registration drive will be conducted every day during the weekdays between 9 am to 12 noon at Congress Bhavan. Interested persons have been informed to come along with their Aadhar card for the registration.

kohima   covid   sevak   vaccination