Nearly 500 Traders and Shopkeepers Vaccinated in Kohima

June 30,2021 07:30 PM

Kohima Vaccination

Kohima [Nagaland], June 30 (HornbillTv): Nearly 500 traders and shopkeepers have been vaccinated till date in Kohima. About 140 of the business community turned up on Wednesday.

Kohima [Nagaland], June 30 (HornbillTv): Nearly 500 traders and shopkeepers have been vaccinated till date in Kohima. 140 members of the business community from in and around Kohima turned up on Wednesday and received the Covid-19 vaccine from the medical personnel at the office of Kohima Chamber of Commerce and Industries (KCCI) on Wednesday.

 A combined team from sub-centre, Health and Wellness Centre (HWC) and Urban Primary Health Centre (UPHC), Seikhazou in Kohima administered the vaccine to the beneficiaries during the third phase of vaccination drive conducted for the business community.

Kelezono Mor, community health officer (CHO) from Health and Wellness Centre, Daklane informed Hornbill TV that a total of 140 beneficiaries for both the 18-44 years age and those above 45 years. She informed that out of 140 beneficiaries who received the vaccine, 123 were from the 18-44 age group and 17 from those above 45 years of age.

Kekhrienuo Meyase, general secretary of Kohima Chamber of Commerce and Industry informed that a total of 145 took the jab while 211 received the same during the vaccination drive conducted for the business community in the first and second phase respectively.

However, during the third phase of the vaccination drive conducted on Wednesday from 10 am to 4 pm, they allowed some of the daily wage workers and some sanitation workers under Kohima Smart City to receive the vaccine at their office.

A medical personnel informed that 11 vials were left after the daylong vaccination camp was conducted at the office of Kohima Chamber of Commerce and Industries.

She expressed satisfaction that more and more traders and shopkeepers are tuning up to receive the vaccine and stated that the registration process will continue for the business community in Kohima.

However, it was learnt that many vegetable vendors are reluctant to come forward to take the vaccine when they are being approached and emphasised on the importance of vaccination during the prevailing situation. .

According to the government update, a total of 49,6,026 doses of Covid vaccines have been administered to the citizens in Nagaland.